Minimum age is 10 yrs for all trail rides
Maximum Weight Limit 250 lb
Taxes included in all prices.
Bookings by Reservation
Advance Payment is Required to Reserve a Ride
Footwear with closed toes and a heel
(Insurance Requirement).
We do have a small selection of riding boots for those who need them.
We offer riding helmets for those that want them. Under 16 riders are required to wear a helmet.
We recommend long pants, and Sunscreen is always a good idea. If you wear a hat, make sure it is very secure - you don't want the wind blowing it off and spooking the horse behind you.
price $75
This is a relaxed ride for beginners. The trail is mostly flat ( a short section of sidehill), and traverses through semi-open forest and grassland landscapes. Some views of both the Rocky mtns, and the Purcell mountains.
price $95
More views of the mountains, through grassland habitat and open forest. At the 1/2 way point, the ride ascends a short hill for magnificant views of the valley.
price $120
A spectacular ride along Kindersley canyon, and an opportunity to experience real mountain trails.
Most riders are amazed at the variety of terrain and habitat types.
price $180
For riders who want both more horse time, and a broader array of trails. We have several versions of this ride. All have splendid views, and a mix of narrow mountain trails, paths wide enough to ride side-by-side, creek crossings, and more.
price $220
This ride meanders through many landscapes, and culminates on a small mountain for seriously awesome views of the columbia valley and surrounding mountains.
If desired, riders can pack snacks for a short stop along the way.
Morning departures only
If you have something in mind, ask us, and we'll try to accomodate.